Writers are tormented by the hidden thought that people really care about what they think and when the world is foggy and blurry they try to write out of it. Trying to make sense of it by finding the chalk lines of good and evil. There sarcasim will make you wounder if they have a heart and there honesty will keep you up at night. All because they have the ability to converse.
About a year and a half ago we put down a clients horse. The mares name was Lady a 21 year old Morgan. She was lame with cronic back and hip problems unable to stand steady and her owner was worried she might slip on the snow/ice and hurt herself or someone else during the winter.I remember the day like it was yesturday. The thing that hit me the hardest was that by then I had been around a few horses being born and remember how we all antisipated the fouls arival. And then on that winter morning Lady was coming to the end. I kept thinking that 20 plus years ago someone couldn't wait to see this new foul and all the joy and that would come with it and now that little foul was a worn out mare and coming to the end of her life.
A few weeks ago while I was doing laundry early one morning at the laundry mat I ran into a couple homeless guys sleeping at the laundry mat. I didn't call the police, just conversed politey and thought about someone I know who was very close to being homeless at the time. I got the text Saturday while on a fishing trip that someone that I have known all my life was now homeles. A bum on the corner living in a tent. Heres the deal. I know this person well. I know this person's kids, grandchild, brother, ex wife. And new this person's parents and have seen pictures of this person as a young child. I know for a fact that this person was not allways a old man with nothing and that at one point his future was very bright.
From this point as I travel through the dust we call life. I will never disregard a old horse, knowing that at one point it was a young vibrant foul that was loved so much who's future was very bright and as far as that homeless man on the corner we all pass by. Remember that one day that person came into this world. Loved and adord and that probably a women and a man held that child and wished/prayed for a bright future. Also remember that person you probaly past by in disgust is probably someones father, grandfather, uncle, brother and friend.