Hey Gang,
To bring a few of you up to speed. I am done at the lumber yard. I got a really great job with a local trucking company doing "pick ups" I go in between 11:00 and 1:00 and get done between 8:00 and 10:00. It is great. I have time to do the barn thing at home before work and I am gaining tractor trailer experince. We are holding our own at the barn. Terry has been home for a while and his help with the extras has been awasome. Devin left at the end of September which has made me all but a home body on Saturdays. Jack and the kids came out a couple weekends ago, I will post about that later and I have a new niece. Jubulee two years old, frushly adopted from Asia. And I will post about that soon. I promise.
Here's the deal. I got home tonight a little early from work. I was planing on checking emails,etc then heading to tom's for the football game. Then I read my Sister Kayla's blog and thought about emailing her. Instead she and the rest of my sibilings, family and freinds. Get this post on my blog.
If when I was ten years old you would have told me what life would be like "right now". That I would be driving "big" truck for a living. Tending to horses everyday, throwing hay, doing tractor work, etc. I would have probably jumped up and down and said I couldn't wait. Truth of the matter is I am awafully busy with all of it. I got a cold last week and didn't have time to rest. I felt guilty sleeping in untill 7:30. In the midst of frustration from doing chores this morning then trying to get to a chiropatcor appt before work. I felt a little overwhelmed. And if it hadn't been for those two old people "my parents" who rode their bikes 10 plus miles to stop in and say hi, yesturday who knows when I would see them. Mom always said "a busy teen is a happy teen." Man we sure took onto that one. My sisters and I (Bro lives a pretty normal life) are on the go 24/7.
Yea Kayla, there are days I long for no horses, no stacks of hay, no manure wagons. But there are also days I long for sitting on a deck looking over my own spread as the sun sets. But if I look back on all that I have had a chance to see as I cross the highways and city roads and as I make sure those big o'l critters have nourshment and housing. It is worth it. It has always been worth it.
If you have ever had a complete stranger say to you "drive safe" as strap down a load with a three plus hour drive across the state in the wee hours of the night or watched as a once frighten three year old warms up to a horse who is sticking her head over the fence on a dark green pasture.
Then you would understand
Drive safe everyone