Thursday, October 14, 2010

No sick days

My vaction last week was great. I spent most of the weekend not thinking about the things I normally think about. I came home refreshed with a clear head, well almost. I did come home with a nasty head cold.

The days back have been rough. I can't smell or taste anything and my nose feels like a plugged drain. My body is sore but I have felt much worse in the past. Which led me to thinking about some of the crazy situations health wise I  have found myself in over the years. One of the stories that comes to mind is.

One winter Sunday morning after working on some ice that built up around the door ways in front of the barn the day before. I woke up took a shower and was chilled when I got out to the shower. I texted Kris Lamb and told her that "everthing hurts and the horses are staying today." She replied with "Monica is coming in to feed and bring in, turn them out, I am to, you just have to keep moving." I kinda chuckled and said to my self, "well alrighty then, cowboy up." I got everyone fed and turnout then made a emergency run to Wallgreens for Airborn, orange juice and pain killers. While at Wallgreens Kris texted me "your sore right, not sick." I just had to laugh and told her I was sick. I gutted it out that afternoon, cold sweats and all.

This spring everyone was at a horse show. I woke up and felt like death. took a shower and didn't have enough energy to get dressed, so I went out into the barn in tennis shoes, flannel pajama bottoms and a flannel shirt. I couldn't even turn the horses out. I went back in and slept for a couple of hours. I got back out to barn around noon and got the horses out and finished up stalls around 4:00, then brought everyone back and fed them. Kris and the girls returned that night and Kris had the girls do stalls for me Sunday so I could get some rest.

Even Kris has questioned me about how I should slow down. I really don't think it is a big deal. The late nights and long days are no different than someone trying to raise a family I tell her. You just pull yourself out of bed because you know there is a creature that needs food and care and it doesn't matter how bad you feel, even though you run the risk of being worse off health wise. I know these people and most of them aren't horseman at all or have animals to tend to. And tomorrow morning I will pull myslef out of bed, no matter how bad I feel, lace up the boots and head out to barn and I will think about.

My parents who every other week are taking care of my newly divorced brothers kids, my Sister M.J. who works a ton of hours running a national retail store while being a wife and a Mom, my Sister Kayla who is raising and home schooling her kids in Asia, neigbor Chris who is up at 4:30 every morning so he can get home early to take care of his kids. Yes there are no sick days for us and you are truely my insperation. THANK YOU!!!!


  1. you GET it. you really get it.

    the only difference is I use a diaper wipe to clean poop and you use a shovel:)

    Love you!

  2. You just inspired me, too! Please do take care of yourself, though, because an illness will get your attention sooner or later and it's always better if it's sooner! Love you!
